Welcome to the MET Weather API

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The MET Weather API is an interface to a selection of data produced by MET Norway. The data are freely available for use under a Creative Commons license, including commercial use. See also separate conditions for use of the service.


Items marked 🌐 have global coverage, others are mainly for Norway or Scandinavia.
Photo about weather


Airqualityforecast 0.1
Forecast of air-quality for locations in Norway

🌐 Frost 0.9
REST API for meteorogical observation data

🌐 Locationforecast 2.0
Weather forecast for a specified place

MetAlerts 2.0
Weather alerts from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute

Nowcast 2.0
Immediate weather forecast for specified locations in the Nordic area

Oceanforecast 2.0
Ocean forecasts for points at sea in Northwestern Europe

Subjectiveforecast 1.0
Forecasts and analyses charts from the meteorologist

Subseasonal 1.0
Long term weather forecast for specified locations in the Nordic area

Dataset archive including model runs and observation timeseries

Textforecast 2.0
Textual weather forecast for Norwegian land and sea areas

🌐 Weathericons
Collection of weather icons on GitHub

Photo about aviation


Aviationforecast 1.6
Textual aviation weather forecasts

FMIroutes 0.1
Vertical cross sections for air ambulance flight routes - Finnish test product

IsobaricGRIB 1.0
GRIB files for air traffic

NLAroutes 1.0
Vertical cross sections for air ambulance flight routes

Offshoremaps 1.0
Lightning and wave maps for offshore helicopter pilots

Routeforecast 2.0
Vertical cross sections for flight routes offshore and over land

Sigcharts 2.0
Significant Weather Charts for aviation

Sigmets 2.0
Get sigmets and airmets for Norway

Spotwind 1.1
Spotwind forecasts for airport landing systems

🌐 Tafmetar 1.0
Receive Taf/Metar from airports

Turbulence 2.0
Turbulence prognosis charts

Volcanicashforecast 0.1
Norwegian national volcanic ash products including forecast

Photo about marine


Gribfiles 1.1
Serve grib files on the coast from Oslo and Western Norway

Icemap 1.0
Maps as images showing current ice conditions in the arctic regions.

Oceanforecast 2.0
Ocean forecasts for points at sea in Northwestern Europe

Oslofjord 0.1
Current maps for Oslofjorden and Drammensfjorden

Soundprofile 1.0
Vertical profiles in the ocean off the Norwegian coast

Dataset archive including model runs and observation timeseries

Textforecast 2.0
Textual weather forecast for Norwegian land and sea areas

Tidalwater 1.1
Tidal water information

Photo about observations


🌐 Frost 0.9
REST API for meteorogical observation data

Dataset archive including model runs and observation timeseries

Photo about defense


Metgc 1.0
Deliver meteorological forecast data in METGM/C format for defined areas

Metgm 1.0
Deliver meteorological forecast data in METGM/C format for defined areas

Photo about other


🌐 Sunrise 3.0
Calculate sun or moon events, as seen from a specific location on Earth

Photo about images


🌐 Geosatellite 1.4
Images from geostationary satellites

Polarsatellite 1.1
Images from satellites in polar orbit

Radar 2.0
Radar images from various locations

Dataset archive including model runs and observation timeseries

Logs on the fire

RSS icon Changelog

MetAlerts: 2024-09-13

Added /test and /test_all endpoints

MetAlerts: 2024-05-07

MetAlerts 2.0 is now in production. Version 1.1 is deprecated and will be removed on 2 Sept 2024

MetAlerts: 2024-03-07

Several new properties added to GeoJSON output:

  • status (Actual eller Test)
  • municipality (kommunenr)
  • web
  • contact
  • description (for resources, previously broken)
  • altitude (feet above msl)
  • ceiling (feet above msl)

All logs


All regular users of the API are strongly recommended to subscribe to our API-users mailing list as this is the only channel on which we will communicate planned changes outside the API itself (see the archives for past notifications).

For questions regarding rights to and use of data, see our Licensing and Data Policy. For handling of personal data, see MET Norway's Privacy Policy Statement. For technical questions about api.met.no, see our contact page. See free meteorological data on met.no for a complete list of all our data services.