

Aviationforecast - Textual aviation weather forecasts


This module returns text forecasts for aerodromes and IGA flight routes.

Aerodrome warnings are issued irregularly only when conditions require it.

Aviation forecasts are only available in English.




Valid forecasts are:

  • aw_enbr
  • aw_engm
  • aw_ento
  • aw_enzv
  • iga_fbno41
  • iga_fbno42
  • iga_fbno44
  • iga_fbno45


This parameter is currently ignored since all aviation forecasts are in English.

Sample request URLs

https://api.met.no./weatherapi/aviationforecast/1.6/?forecast=aw_engm (may or may not be present)


A list of available data may be retrieved using the 'available' action.

Forecast lists can be filtered using the type parameter with the following values:

  • aerodrome
  • iga

Example requests:


Change log

IGA forecast continued, 2024-01-15

Due to popular demand, the IGA forecasts will not be terminated after all until further notice.

IGA forecast deprecated, 2021-11-16

The IGA text forecasts will terminate on 2022-03-01, to be replaced with graphical forecasts in the Routeforecast product (route=iga-XXXX-YYYY).

aviation text forecasts moved to separate product, 2019-04-24

Since textforecast version 1.6 is deprecated and will be removed soon, we have moved the aerodrome and IGA forecasts to a separate product. This will enable them to keep stable while the other text forecasts are in the process of being updated to 2.0 standard.

aw_enry replaced by aw_ento, 2019-02-01

Rygge airport is currently closed, so no ENRY forecasts have been issued this year. Instead we are now producing aerodrome forecasts for Torp (ENTO). iga_fbno43 has also not been in production for a long time and has been removed.

several forecast types removed, 2019-02-01

On February 1st, 2019 we will remove the route_fbno* products. These will be replaced with the new routeforecast service for automatically generated graphical forecast. The old route_fbno forecasts will be available on NAIS for some time.

